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Transferring credits between universities worldwide is challenging, time-consuming, and usually follows strict and complicated administrative guidelines. Students may encounter serious difficulties during such a process, especially if they rely on those credits to transfer to another school or graduate on time. Universities may also find it challenging to compare Massive Online Open Courses (MOOCs) to courses offered in their traditional programs due to the need for greater uniformity in course content and academic rigor. Administrators and professors may struggle to determine whether students have acquired the knowledge and skills necessary for credit transfer through the MOOC. The power of ChatGPT (Generative Pre-trained Transformer) may be employed in identifying and matching courses to MOOCs. At the same time, blockchain technology may provide a speedy and smooth process for credit transfer. A pilot structure that enables students to sign up for a MOOC and determine course equivalency without the challenges typically connected with credit transfer issues or the recognition of courses taught outside their university is presented, piloted, and tested.
This tool is designed to help students identify an appropriate MOOC to replace a given course within their study plans.
To use the tool phrase your question as follows:
Goto Credit Transfer of MOOCs PageList all MOOCs in the field of (enter the field), hosting platform, name of the designer, universities that implement it, and enrolment fees, and then deduce the percentage of similarity with a similar course offered by (name of your university), and view results as comma separated?